Does Love Conquer All?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about past, present and future love trials and triumphs.  Whether it is mine or someone else’s the one thing I’ve learned is that love doesn’t always conquer all.  As unfortunate as it is, it doesn’t always win out on the evil that lurks near by waiting for the chance to break a heart.  Nor does it always stand the test of time with so much drama surrounding it.  However, what love does do is mend a broken heart, say a prayer day and night, breathe new life into another’s soul, bring happiness and hope, sacrifice its own beat to ensure a future for one that’s its own.  Sometimes when a love is pure and true, it can withstand any and all complications.  Sometimes the darkness that is against it is so great that even the greatest love story gets an unhappy ending.  This is when I lost faith and I swear to never love again.  But how could I possibly say no to someone who is kind and understanding, shows affection and cares too much.  How could I reject a heart that’s loving, supportive and determined to win me over?